As much as I can't stand Halloween I did force myself to take the kids "trick or treating" Friday night. Actually, we went up to our church and did what they call "trunk or treating". People decorated their cars (Jonah and the Whale, The Hippies, Aloha, Sleepover are a few that I remember) and then the kids went trunk to trunk and collected candy.
It was a great concept but there were
way too many people! Let me reemphasize that - there were
thousands of people! The kids basically starred up at people and walked in circles the whole time we were there. Someone had to hold on to them at all times to direct them in the right direction or they would have been lost for sure! They had so much to look at and I think they were a little overwhelmed. (Or maybe that was me.)
When I suggested an hour into it that we head home and walk our street; no one complained. So that's what we did. I think they really enjoyed it as there weren't as many people shoving and pushing to get candy. (Or maybe that was me.)
Oh wait, you mean you want to see pics. Well you can't because I forgot my camera.
Okay, I'm joking. Not about forgetting my camera though! Lucky for me my parents came down to assist with all the chaos and of course Mom is never caught without a camera around the kids!
So for your viewing pleasure:
The PowerRanger

The Dinosaur

Hannah Montana
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!