My real friends (meaning I actually know them) think I am a couponing queen and bargain hunter. However, I don't have the time to scour dozens of weekly ads and match coupons to all of the sale items. Instead I use the help of other frugal bloggers who do all of the work for me! Well not just me, but for everyone.
Some of my favorite frugal blogs I follow are:

Here you will find a ton of deals at stores like Wal-Mart, Target, Rite-Aid, Walgreens, CVS and many online retailers too. She also posts about the newest online printable coupons, freebies and information on couponing basics for the beginner. And best of all, she's a fellow mil-spouse as well!

Here you will find deals at various drug stores as well as links for practically all (okay maybe not all of them but you get the point) of the local grocery stores as well. Along with the deals, she also posts recipes and tips for simple living including great series such as 31 days to a better grocery budget and Clear out the clutter challenge.

Here you will find free weekend family activities, giveaways, grocery deals, drug store deals, on-line deals and a coupon database where you can find available coupons. She also has a feature called
Apply A Day that is worth checking out.
Here you will find all kind of shopping deals with a touch of humor added in. She posts all sorts of online deals and coupon codes and does weekly giveaways too!
Have you ever been to
I used to do it. This lady finds all the "secret" sales in your local area and post the. All you have to do is print the list and go. Sometimes if you do it right (with coupons) you can get free stuff. You can even print the coupons right from her website, along with the list.
Anyways, just thought I'd put that out there. It may help you.
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