For starters, TJ has been gone for 194 days now! I can't believe it has been that long since I have been able to hold and kiss the love of my life! Luckily R&R is coming up right around the corner and I can't wait!
I've also been working way more than I had planned on working; but it's helping to build our savings account for our vacations scheduled post deployment :-)
I have still been working with our 7-year old on getting some sort of official diagnosis. We are getting closer but there have still been some set backs. (Like for instance when he puked in the psychiatrists office last week during his psychiatric evaluation.) It seems like we've had many appoints; with another major one coming up at the end of this week. I'm hoping for a better outcome than last week. On top of the ADHD and ODD that I discussed before, we are still exploring the possibilities of dyslexia and also a mood disorder.
It is all very tiring and never ending. He (and the process) has really been draining all the energy out of me lately. Because of this, I have contacted Military OneSource and have started seeing a therapist myself (my husband and I had joint counseling before he left as a proactive approach to deployment and it helped immensely) in order to deal with all of the stress associated not only with this, but with deployment in general.
Also on top of all of this, I've been scheduled for surgery on November 17th. It's nothing too serious really, but I'll be out of commission for 6-8 weeks while I recover and hobble around on crutches. I'm having another bunionectomy done. I had the first one on my right foot when I was 17, the second on my left foot when I was 20 and now the 3rd again on my right foot. (And in case you're wondering - yes, that's my driving foot and I won't be able to drive during the 6-8 weeks: it only complicates things a little bit). I'm really hoping I'm done after this one!
With surgery pending next month, I have also been kicked into high gear on trying to get some things done here around the house that I've been putting off but definitely won't be able to do while on crutches; like cleaning the gutters, raking leaves, power washing the house, etc. Unfortunately the list seems to be never ending and as soon as I finish one task, I have to add two more.
I guess that's it really. I figure I'll wrap it up here as my eyelids are getting very heavy and I would hate to fall asleep before I got to hit publish.